The Environmental Information Network of Andalusia (REDIAM) is a cooperating institutional partner for Case Study 2: Analyses of transboundary water ecosystems and blue/green infrastructure in the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean, Andalusia (Spain) - Morocco, and is represented on the SPBTT. The purpose of REDIAM, part of the Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Government of Andalusia, Spain, is the integration, standardization and dissemination of all the environmental information of Andalusia generated by different centres that produce environmental information in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The REDIAM is conceived as a collective structure which, by optimizing the human and material resources dedicated to research, is able to catalogue standardised environmental information and provides a tool to the general public as well as to scientists, technicians and managers which allows for a proper planning and management of environmental actions and at the same time meets the demands and concerns of citizens, using the most modern information and communication technologies available.Systematization, quality, economy of management, coordination and technological neutrality are the main criteria followed with regards to all activities related to environmental information. The REDIAM represents the Regional Focal point for the European network of information and observation on the environment (EIONET) promoted and coordinated by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Rediam and Case Study 2 are represented on the SPBTT by Mercedes Garcia-Padilla. Ms. Garcia-Padilla is the case study representative for AQUACROSS and the Head of the Production Department at REDIAM. She is hydrogeologist and expert in environmental information with broad experience in local government and research, and has published widely and spoken at numerous national and international conferences on water resources and systems, wetlands, and environmental data and information. Along with REDIAM, Mercedes Garcia-Padilla is the project manager at the EFAS (European Flood Awareness System) Hydrological Data Collection Centre and international advisor for the World Bank on the Panama’s National Plan for Water Security 2015-2050. Ms. García Padilla was also in charge of developing the European Catchments and Rivers Network Systems (ECRINS) at the European Topic Centre on Spatial Information and Analysis of the European Environmental Agency. During the development of ECRINS, the river catchment methodologies developed by REDIAM in Andalusia were adopted and implemented for continental Europe.