Ecologic Institute is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research, policy analysis and consultancy with offices in Berlin, Brussels, and Washington DC. Founded in 1995, Ecologic Institute works on the border between research and politics. Its main aim is to prepare scientific information for the political decision-making process in order to develop goal-oriented concepts for environmental policy. Ecologic Institute has a multi-disciplinary staff of approximately 120 people. In addition, an Events Team has been set up for the organisation of conferences, workshops and events. Ecologic Institute has a long tradition in leading FP-research projects and is currently involved in twenty-two FP6 and FP7 projects dealing with research as well as dissemination tasks, including organization of conferences, expert and stakeholder workshops or policy briefs and handbooks. Ecologic Institute covers a range of projects, presentations and publications, including the fields of Biodiversity, Water and Marine Ecosystem Services.

Ecologic Institute will lead the management and coordination activities of AQUACROSS (WP9 Coordination and Management), along with WP2, Policy Orientation. In addition, Ecologic Institute will support and contribute to the activities of the remaining work packages.

Dr. Manuel Lago

Dr. Manuel Lago is a Senior Fellow in natural resources economics at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin, holds an MSc in Ecological Economics and a PhD in Environmental Economics from the University of Edinburgh in the UK. His research and consultancy work is related with the economic analysis of environmental policies and regulations with a focus on cost accounting and economic valuation of environmental goods and services, and the use of such estimates to inform environmental policy making. Manuel is part of the European Topic Centre in Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters (ETC-ICM) for the European Environment Agency, where he contributes to the socio-economic analysis of aspects related with the management of Europe’s seas and surface waters. In addition, he is and has been actively involved in a number of large European research projects sponsored by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (e.g. FP7 EPI-WATER, REFORM, ECONADAPT, DESSIN, BioFresh).

Job title: 

Coordinator of AQUACROSS and Senior Fellow

Lina Röschel

Lina Röschel works at Ecologic Institute as a Junior Researcher. Her main focus is projects related to biodiversity conservation, water management, and adaptation to climate change. Her native language is German, and she is also fluent in English and has good knowledge of French. At Ecologic Institute, Lina Röschel is predominantly active in the project Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Across EU Policies (AQUACROSS), a Horizon 2020 project that aims to support the European Union's (EU) efforts to protect aquatic biodiversity and ensure the provision of aquatic ecosystem services. As such, AQUACROSS seeks to advance knowledge and application of ecosystem-based management (EBM) for aquatic ecosystems to support the achievement of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy targets.

Job title: 

Lead of Work Package 2, Policy

Hugh McDonald

Hugh McDonald is a Researcheer at Ecologic Institute, which he joined in 2016, where he works on projects related to water policy and ecosystem-based management from an environmental economics perspective. He is a native English speaker and fluent in German. Hugh McDonald's current work is focussed on the topic areas of water, biodiversity and innovation. He contributes to the project Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Across EU Policies (AQUACROSS), which aims to support the European Union's (EU) efforts to protect aquatic biodiversity and ensure the provision of aquatic ecosystem services. On the innovation front, Hugh McDonald is involved in the projects Demonstrate Ecosystem Services Enabling Innovation in the Water Sector (DESSIN), which demonstrates and promotes innovative solutions for water scarcity and water quality and the valuation of ecosystem services, and BRIGAID, which supports innovations in disaster resilience and climate adaptation.

Job title: 

AQUACROSS Case Study Coordinator and Lead of Case Study 8: The Azores

Helene Hoffmann

Helene Hoffmann is a Junior Researcher at Ecologic Institute where she primarily works on marine, water and biodiversity topics. She works in English and German and is fluent in French. At Ecologic Institute, Helene Hoffmann is currently mainly involved in the project Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Across EU Policies (AQUACROSS). Helene Hoffmann completed a Master's degree in Marine Resource Development and Protection at the Heriot Watt University Edinburgh (UK) and Bachelor's degree in Oceanography at the University of Southampton (UK). Before working for the Ecologic Institute, she worked in Brussels as a Marine Policy Advisor and provided policy advice to the EU Commission on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

Lucy Olivia Smith

Lucy O. Smith is a Researcher at Ecologic Institute and supports the AQUACROSS project in communication and dissemination of results and stakeholder engagement. Lucy has a M.S. in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews and is interested in transnational environmental governance in relation to biodiversity conservation. In addition to AQUACROSS, she is currently involved in the European Topic Centre on Inland Coastal and Marine Waters (ETC-ICM), which supports the European Environment Agency (EEA) in its research and assessment of European waters. Past projects for which she has contributed research and reports are EFFACE (European Action to Against Environmental Crime) as well as CLEANSEA a marine litter project.

Job title: 

Dissemination and Communication, Researcher

Benjamin Boteler

Benjamin Boteler was a Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, where he researched marine and coastal socioeconomics, marine policies, and climate change adaptation in coastal zones. He now works at IASS. He focuses on the Blue Growth Strategy, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and ecosystem based management as well as Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). He coordinates Ecologic Institute's research for the European Environment Agency (EEA) within the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC-ICM) and has been a main author and contributor in the EEA's marine publications. He is also researching socioeconomic marine issues in several research projects within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union (EU) including Policy-Oriented Marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS) and Towards a Clean-Litter Free European Marine Environment through Scientific Evidence Innovative Tools and Good Governance (CleanSea).

Job title: 

Ex-Coordinator of Case Studies and Lead in the Azores Case Study, Fellow

Dr. Josselin Rouillard

Dr. Josselin Rouillard is a Fellow in water, economics and climate change adaptation at Ecologic Institute. Josselin is currently involved in several tasks related to the assessment and management of European inland and coastal waters within the European Topic Centre on Inland Coastal and Marine waters  (ETC-ICM). He is and has been actively involved in a number of projects within the 6th and 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Union, focusing on the economics and governance of water management (e.g. EPI-WATER, DESSIN, SWIFT-WFD, Aquaterra, NitroEurope) and more recently climate change adaptation (e.g. EconAdapt, BeWater). Josselin is a member of the Leverhulme Trust research network on integrated water resources management and climate change adaptation. Josselin holds a MSc in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford (UK) and a doctorate from the University of Dundee (UK).

Katrina Abhold

Katrina Abhold is a Researcher at Ecologic Institute, where she researches marine and coastal environmental issues focusing on socioeconomics, pollution, and climate change adaptation measures and policies. She is working as part of the EEA European Topic Centre on Island, Coastal and Marine Waters (ETC-ICM), which supports the European Environmental Agency (EEA). She also works on the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) projects Towards a Clean-Litter Free European Marine Environment through Scientific Evidence Innovative Tools and Good Governance (CleanSea), Policy-Oriented Marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS) and Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE). She gained her MSc in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and her BA in Economics with a minor in Geography/Environmental Studies from the University of California-Los Angeles.

Job title: 
