On 30 November 2018 the AQUACROSS team from the University of Aveiro organised a final seminar to present and discuss the results regarding Case Study 5 (Improving integrated management of Natura 2000 sites in the Ria de Aveiro Natura 2000 site, from catchment to coast, Portugal) with the local stakeholders and end users.

The results were published in a book entitled “Implementando uma gestão baseada nos ecossistemas aquáticos da Rede Natura 2000 da Ria de Aveiro: da Pateira até ao mar, passando pelo Baixo Vouga Lagunar”/"Implementing an aquatic ecosystem based management at Ria de Aveiro Natura 2000: from Pateira to the sea, including the Baixo Vouga Lagunar". The publication counted on the valuable contribution of the key actors. It was presented to local stakeholders and management options were discussed.

The book is written in local language (Portuguese) and targets a non-academic audience. It is organized in three main chapters: Chapter 1 includes a short description of the AQUACROSS project and a more detailed introduction to ecosystems based management (EBM) as it represents a key concept in the scope of AQUACROSS for the management of biodiversity. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the AQUACROSS case study in the Ria de Aveiro Natura 2000 site (Case Study 5). It describes the main objectives and challenges within the application of an EBM process; the active participatory processes with the local stakeholders and end users; the qualitative and quantitative modelling approaches for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services; the results regarding water-related and environmental policies in the context of the EBM process; the EBM options regarding the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services and the evaluation of the EBM process. Chapter 3 is devoted to the final considerations regarding the lessons learned in the context of the management of biodiversity and of ecosystem services.

The book is available in digital format here https://bscw.bio.ua.pt/AQUACROSS-RiaDeAveiro.pdf

Or contact António Nogueira for a printed version at antonio.nogueira@ua.pt