Julien Rochette is a lawyer specialised in marine and coastal issues and is the coordinator of the Oceans and Coastal Zones Programme at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), which he joined in 2007. Julien provides legal and technical assistance to international, regional and national organisations, particularly in the fields of ocean governance, law of the sea and integrated coastal zones management. His most recent fields of activities deal with the governance of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdictions, the implementation of the Oceans SDG and the sustainability of the tuna industry. Julien has been working both at the global and regional level, specifically in the Mediterranean, the Pacific, Western Africa and the Western Indian Ocean.
Julien is a member of several specialists groups (Scientific Committee of the French coastal management research programme – LITEAU; French committee for the marine research – COMER; United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN) – Thematic Group on Forests, Oceans, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, etc.) and a regular lecturer in various French universities (Sciences Po, Paris 5, La Rochelle).