Julian Barbière is an IOC programme specialist, head of section for Marine Policy and Regional Coordination in charge of the Integrated Coastal Area Management and Marine Spatial Planning Programme. He has two MSc degrees in Bio/Geoarachaeology and in Environmental Sciences. He has been involved in the development of ICZM projects globally, indicators for ICZM, development of technical guidelines on coastal hazards, vulnerability, shoreline change, adaptation measures in coastal areas. From 2006-2009, he coordinated the preparation of the Assessment of Assessments leading to the establishment of the UN World Ocean Assessment under the UN General Assembly in 2011. He is the task manager for the GEF Large Marine Ecosystem Component of the TranSboundary Water Assessment Programme (2013-2015), the GEF LME:Learn Project (2015-2018), and  led the participation of IOC in the FP7 PEGASO project. Julian coordinates all IOC-UNESCO’s contributions to AQUACROSS.