Dr. Carlos Mario Gómez is a tenured professor of Economic Analysis at the Universidad de Alcalá, a research associate at IMDEA, a visiting fellow at University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall College (2013-2014) and Member of the Scientific Council of the Man & Biosphere MaB Spanish Committee of UNESCO (since 2008). Since 2000, he has led a sequence of competitive national and EU projects and has been involved in the economic analysis units commissioned to support the WFD CIS (i.e. Spanish Ministry of the Environment, EC WATECO former working group, and more recently within the context of the EC Freshwater Framework Contract for DG ENV). He has led the research team for EPI-Water, a EU FP7 project (2011-2013), where he led research on the economic assessment of environmental outcomes of economic policy instruments for water management or innovative economic instruments for drought and scarcity management. He has also led work on the economic valuation of water for the WWDR Report 4 (UNESCO), and on water trading and global scarcity. He is leading the socio-economic thematic issue at the EC DG Environment service contract on Integration of Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) in RBM project (2013-2014). As part of the Framework Contract on EU Freshwater Policy (2012-2016) he is a water policy advisor of the EC (DG Environment). He has also participated in the study about the link between water management and macroeconomic performance as part of the so-called European Semester. He also coordinates the SPADIS Action Group of the EIP Water, focusing on smart prices and insurances for water scarcity and drought risk management.