Dr. Romina Martin is a PostDoc at Stockholms Resilience Centre and works on regime shifts in lakes and ecosystem service use with support of social-ecological model analyses. From 2013 to 2015, her work was funded by the Biodiversa project LimnoTip in collaboration with the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin, Germany. Romina is interested in diverse modelling tools to investigate the behaviour of ecosystems that effect human well-being, using bioeconomic and agent-based modelling to simulate decision-making in the human-environmental interface. Beyond the purpose of learning about complex mechanisms in the social-ecological systems, Romina is interested in disentangling and translating these mechanisms for transdisciplinary activities or environmental education purposes (e.g. by participatory approaches or development of serious games). Romina's background is in Computer Science and Biology, where she has completed both studies with a Diploma degree. Romina holds a PhD in Biology on the topic of pastoral livelihood security and rangeland management in drylands using ecological-economic modelling approaches, which was carried out at the University of Cologne and the Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig in the Department of Ecological Modelling.