AQUACROSS partners convened at the UN House in Brussels for a two day intensive workshop on the application of the Assessment Framework to the Case Studies. The workshop served to support mutual exchange between the Four Pillars of the AQUACROSS approach. In particular, the focus of the workshop was to ensure integration between guidance developed in the Assessment Framework (executive summary) on ecosystem based management of aquatic ecosystems. This includes the approach on drivers and pressures as explored in D4.1 Drivers of change and pressures on ecosystem services (executive summary) and causalities between biodiversity loss, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services as covered in D5.1 Assessment of causal flow indicators between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services in the aquatic environment (executive summary). Recent findings on EU and international policy for aquatic biodiversity (executive summary) was shared at the workshop as the top-down policy framework will influence local management measures in the eight AQUACROSS case studies. In addition, the workshop explored the upcoming application of modeling techniques to be applied in the AQUACROSS Case Studies and a beta version of the Information Platform was presented.